Tornevall Networks are now live with following upgraded platforms:
- Primary Portal and components
- AUTHv4
Primary portal and components
Site changed to what was supposed to be TornevallWEB v6. As many visitors already seen, we’ve left the API-WEB creation to speed up projects that is more important to fix, than sites that requires too much time and work too finish. Therefore, most of the site is now in the root based on WordPress and all API integrations are being primarily made with this platform. In the same time, we win a community compatible platform. However, WordPress is not the only part built here.
First of all has now become to somehow support a standard webaddress naming. It is used to comunicate news and happenings, whatever that might be. Besides of this, there is a community forum located under The purpose with this forum is supposed to be supportive when there are bigger needs of communication. This is still a work that has to be processed a bit more.
The DNSBL removal tool used on this site is currently completely based on WordPress and available for download here. Just remember, to get everything like delisting etc to work, it is important to have an API key (read below).
Things that is built around the portals has a base tracker here.
The WordPress plugin has its own tracker here with the development source code here.
This is a replacement of the less known site AUTHv3, which was supposed to host API based configuration. That project, aswell as the main portal, became too big. So in the same way, this site is built around WordPress. However, the big difference here – compared to the primary above – is that this authentication service also serve other users (meaning, it is possible to register an account there, to get API keys etc). So, to get API keys that handles DNSBL requests, this is the place to be. This service is a frontend gui to APIv3.