Our primary network link went down yesterday. It has been reported, but it seems like it will take a little bit longer to fix this time. However, we’re not completely down, since we switched over to our backup route while we are waiting.
Our primary network link went down yesterday. It has been reported, but it seems like it will take a little bit longer to fix this time. However, we’re not completely down, since we switched over to our backup route while we are waiting.
Hokkaweb postadress visas bara i Törnvall Network , svartlistade . Vi ber dig , måste du stödja oss att bli av med skräppost . Tack för ditt intresse .
Hello there,
Hokkaweb mail address appears only in Törnvall Network, blacklisted . We ask you , you must support us to get rid of spam mail. Thank you for your attention.
Contact us via dnsbl@tornevall.org with the ip-address you want to get delisted.